New book! Canterbury 2100 edited by Dirk Flinthart

Canterbury-2100-coverAs part of the year of doing all the things here at FableCroft, we’ve just republished the very excellent collaborative anthology*  Canterbury 2100: pilgrimages in a new world edited by Dirk Flinthart.

Originally published by Agog! in 2008, Canterbury 2100 sold out its print edition some time ago, and we decided (in consultation with the editor, previous publisher, and the authors) that it was too good a book to disappear. It’s with great pleasure we bring Canterbury 2100 back to the world with an ebook edition (currently only on Kindle, but more options to follow).

FableCroft would like to thank the editor, Dirk Flinthart, the orignal publisher, Cat Sparks at Agog!, the authors, and the cover artist Nick Stathopoulos, for agreeing to be part of the project again.

You want to know more?

Six hundred years ago, a group of pilgrims made their way to Canterbury, and Geoffrey Chaucer created one of the great works of English literature. A hundred years from now, a nuclear-powered steam train is stopped by a massive storm on its journey to Canterbury, the new capital of an England struggling to rise from the ashes of the twenty-first century. As the waters rise with the storm’s fury, the weird and wonderful passengers tell the stories of a new age…

18 original short stories interwoven with a narrative thread that twines together the pieces to depict a fictional future exploring the stories that the people of that future tell each other.


Introduction (Dirk Flinthart)
The Tingler’s Tale (Geoffrey Maloney)
The Nun’s Tale (Angela Slatter)
The Dead Priest’s Tale (Martin Livings)
The Veteran’s Tale (Stephen Dedman)
The Miner’s Tale (Laura E Goodin)
The Sky-Chief’s Tale (Sue Isle)
The Census-Taker’s Tale (Kaaron Warren)
The Mathematician’s Tale (Durand Welsh)
The Doctor’s Tale (Ben Bastian)
The Hunter’s Tale (Grant Watson)
The Peat-Digger’s Tale (Thoraiya Dyer)
The Metawhore’s Tale (Lee Battersby)
The Janus’s Tale (Penelope Love)
The Lighterman’s Tale (Trent Jamieson)
The Carbon-Knitter’s Tale (Rita de Heer)
The Evangelist’s Tale (L L Hannett)
The Gnomologist’s Tale (Matthew Chrulew)
The Conductor’s Tale (Lyn Battersby)
Afterword (Dirk Flinthart)

* I just made that phrase up – read the book and you’ll know why!