Announcement: Epilogue table of contents

It is with great pleasure that I announce the table of contents for Epilogue (the anthology formerly known as Apocalypse Hope). I had more than 200 submissions for this anthology, many of a very high quality, and it was difficult task to sift through them to pick out the finest gems. I present the final lineup, and look forward to bringing these stories to you in print.

“Time and tide” by Lyn Battersby

“Fireflies” by Steve Cameron

“Sleeping Beauty” by Thoraiya Dyer

“The Fletcher test” by Dirk Flinthart

“Ghosts” by Stephanie Gunn

“Sleepers” by Kaia Landelius

“Solitary” by Dave Luckett

“Cold comfort” by David McDonald

“Mornington ride” by Jason Nahrung

“The last good town” by Elizabeth Tan

“A memory trapped in light” by Joanne Anderton

“Only the books survive” by Tansy Rayner Roberts

Thank you to every author who sent in submissions, which came from all around the world – some rejections were very difficult to make, and I wish those authors the very best in finding their stories a home.

For those interested, the final contents include 12 stories, eleven by Australians and one from Sweden. There are seven female authors, and five male. The stories are all original to the anthology.

I’m delighted with the line up for Epilogue, and can’t wait to show it to you all!


And the winner is…

Thank you to everyone on Twitter and Facebook who made title suggestions for renaming Apocalypse Hope. There were some wonderful titles put forward, and I loved a number of them (just so you know, After the Apocalypse wasn’t a contender because Maureen McHugh had a collection titled that this year. After the End was another popular suggestion, but there’s a 2005 zombie movie by that name!). The voting was tight as well, so obviously the titles put forward were appealing to many people – makes it tough to figure out a decision! However, after a long and thoughtful process, culminating in a face to face discussion yesterday, the winner has been decided! The anthology formerly known as Apocalypse Hope will be published as…


Thank you to @RattusAsh on Twitter (shared by @debkalin) for the suggestion – as promised, I’ll send you a free copy of the anthology when it comes into the world! Thanks again to everyone who made suggestions and voted – your input was appreciated more than I can say 🙂

Have a say in choosing a title!

While the table of contents for the anthology previously known as Apocalypse Hope is almost finalised, I am struggling to decide on the new title that more accurately reflects these new contents. With the help of Twitter and Facebook, I have shortlisted some wonderful title suggestions and would love for you to pick your favourite! Vote here.

And remember, the FableCroft Massive Moving Sale ends in just one week – don’t miss out on the best book bargains for Christmas!