More lovely reviews!

Rapunzel CoverIn Aurealis #90, reviewer Rebecca McEwen says The Rebirth of Rapunzel is: “…an immersive and engaging examination of the significance of a woman who, in the end, saves herself.”

And on episode #142 of Galactic Suburbia, Alex says some very nice things about the book (after announcing the winners of the giveaway) – take a listen!

BoneChimeCoverDraftIn a gorgeous recent review of Joanne Anderton’s The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories, J. Ashleigh Smith over at Goodreads says the collection is: “… alive with gnarled, unusual stories, with weird, memorable worlds, every one rendered in spare, vivid prose.”

ITH CoverAlso at Goodreads, Rivqa says that the anthology Insert Title Here is: “A very strong, very dark anthology featuring some wonderfully unique voices.”

Reviews for The Rebirth of Rapunzel

We’re chuffed to see reviews already rolling through for Kate Forsyth’s non-fiction collection The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythical Biography of the Maiden in the Tower.

Rapunzel Cover

First cab off the rank, Ashleigh Meikle says the book is: a well-written, intelligent collection of non-fiction writing exploring the evolution of the tale of Rapunzel … Kate’s distinctive writing style shines through, making reading this offering as enjoyable as her novels, and is an engaging read for anyone interested in the subject matter.

A brief one at The Quirky Library, in which the reader notes: It was a very enlightening piece that helped me understand the themes of the Rapunzel tale and why it has continued to play a large part in our fairytale history, its feminist retellings and also Forsyth’s research process.

Alexandra Pierce gave us an in-depth reading of the book, saying (among other things):  Forsyth has made her research very readable … This isn’t academic-lite; it’s academic-approachable. 

Cait Coker at The Future Fire decrees the book: a fascinating and readable collection, and if the material at times overlaps and repeats, the originality of the vast remainder is utterly absorbing. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in fairy tales, genre, or honestly, just writing.

At Goodreads, reader Liesa shared a wonderful review of the book, calling it “utterly compelling”.

You can get your own copy of The Rebirth of Rapunzel from the FableCroft shop page, your preferred retailer, or via Amazon. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to review our books!